1st MarDATA Block Course "Introduction to Marine Sciences"

End of March 2020, Doctoral Researchers, PIs, and supervisors of MarDATA are going to meet for the first MarDATA Block Course at the AWI's Wadden Sea Station on the beautiful island of Sylt.

End of March 2020, Doctoral Researchers, PIs, and supervisors of MarDATA are going to meet for the first MarDATA Block Course at the AWI's Wadden Sea Station on the beautiful island of Sylt. During this 3-day event, doctoral researchers will be introduced to various marine science disciplines. In addition, we will start discussing challenges, risks and benefits of Marine Data Science and becoming a Marine Data Scientist. Participants will have the opportunity to join a short cruise on MYA II to get a short introduction to marine data sampling and get their feet wet during a hike across the mud flats. 

We are looking forward to an exciting 3 days!