

Call for Applications


open positions at AWI, Bremerhaven: 


PhD position “Drivers and Predictability of Antarctic Sea Ice Extremes - A machine learning approach (DECODE-ICE)” 

PhD position “Quantitative risk assessment of climate extremes (QRACE)” 



open positions at GEOMAR, Kiel: 

coming soon




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Dr. Enno Prigge


Dr. Enno Prigge
Scientific Coordinator MarDATA
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, Room 074, 24105 Kiel

Application Process

For details on the application process and required documents see individual project link(s) above.


We are looking for excellent graduates holding master degrees in computer science (“Informatik” in German), software architecture, data engineering, data analytics, advanced statistics, machine learning, numerical and applied mathematics, bioinformatics or electrical engineering/technical cybernetics. MSc graduates from marine sciences will only be considered if they can additionally demonstrate solid knowledge in the above-mentioned topics.

All doctoral candidates are subject to the local doctoral regulations of the corresponding university faculties of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering and informatics. Registration with the corresponding faculty is required at the beginning of the programme to ensure that each doctoral candidate is formally eligible to receive a doctoral degree.


All doctoral candidates will be remunerated through 3-year contracts of full E13 positions according to the public sector salary system (TVÖD) at German universities and research centers. According to the public system, the salary includes health insurance, pension insurance and unemployment insurance. Detailed financial numbers can be found here. International candidates may want to check visa regulations for Germany.

Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Achieving provision of equal opportunities and diversity at all academic levels is a strong goal of all the partner institutes, and significant advances have been made, e.g. in terms of an increase in female professors in all disciplines. Equal opportunities for women and men are an integral part of our personnel policy. Therefore, we encourage women to apply. MarDATA will use institutional measures for gender-sensitive recruitment of female researchers that are already in place. The TOTAL E-QUALITY award is presented to GEOMAR for efforts in terms of human resource management aimed at providing equal opportunity. The AWI fosters the compatibility of work and family through various means. In the area of work-life compatibility it has been awarded with the certificate "Career and Family". We encourage scientists with disabilities to apply. Qualified disabled applicants will receive preference in the application process.