MarDATA goes online

Doctoral researchers at MarDATA are working on the interface between marine sciences and data/computer science.
This requires to be familiar with state-of-the-art data science methods, but also to know the fundamental basics of marine sciences.
Since we had to cancel our 1st MarDATA Block Course „Introduction to Marine Sciences“ we have now initiated the
„MarDATA Online Lecture Series“. Starting this Thursday, Doctoral researchers will have the chance to join marine scientists in weekly online lectures that cover various marine science disciplines.
Thu 23.04: Physical Ocean (Arne Biastoch)
Thu 30.04: Climate Science (Gerrit Lohmann)
Thu 07.05: Marine Chemistry (Boris Koch)
Thu 14.05: Marine Geology (Jens Greinert)
Wed (!): 20.05: Marine Biology (Thorsten Reusch)
Thu 28.05: Bioinformatics (Tal Dagan)
Thu 04.06: Marine Geophysics (Tanja Fromm. & Vera Schlindwein)